{{About Us}}

Unix Sys Community is a website that publishes practical and useful out-of-the-box articles for aspirant like you and me. We seek to present exceptional, remarkable tips, tutorials, and resources that the modern web professional will appreciate.
The idea behind this site came to me first of all, to better remember solutions to some problems that I have worked on. I could certainly keep this valuable information offline, but I thought sharing with other fellow workers would be nice as I have in the early stage of my career used advice from more knowledgeable people than I was and this really helped me out. This is my way of giving back.

It has been seen generally we found a majority of Linux related resources on the web to be either too detailed, too ambiguous or just imprecise. There are many excellent articles on specific topics, but they were usually part of a general interest publication, and information on related topics on the same site is sometimes hard to find.